For Approximately 3-10 people with a shared topic of interest between all of us.
Over the two hours, you can expect to:
Enjoy 1-2 live guided meditations (30-45 min; these can go surprisingly deep)
Engage in dynamic dialogue with each other about our chosen topic and its relationship to authenticity, awareness, and presence. (~1hr)
Learn to hold space and compassion for your own process and that of others
Have a chance to share anything and ask anything; you will almost certainly find that others' questions and answers are very pertinent to you as well. The group does not dilute :)
Learn how to engage life as a mirror of your true self with discussion, short talks, and pointers to other resources (looking in the mirror can be hard, but we learn to peak more and more often)
Have fun, or at least make a little more room for that soon :)