You might be wondering, "What's the significance of 'Fire and Nectar'?" Well, it's really a concise value statement (with a little poetry) for the site and courses that can help remind us why we're meditating at all.
Fire and Nectar are simply pointers to the process we all must go through to know ourselves - raw, alive, unfiltered life where "me," "my life," and truth merge into the seamless unity of experiencing our humanness without preconception or judgment. The feeling that "there must be more to life" dissipates as you get to know yourself more deeply, and is replaced by simple joy with what's right here.

Fire refers to the “fire of awakening” or “flame of truth” - the idea that over time, we learn to open ourselves to the burning away of old stories, concepts, and judgments about our bodies or the world. We allow ourselves to trust in life and what it has to show us about our conscious and unconscious habits that no longer serve us. We learn to wordlessly know what is real and true in every moment as these old filters go up in smoke. Ultimately, this fire is actually the light of grace we all have inside ourselves to lovingly see through falsehoods, and experience only truth in our lives.

Nectar is that which is available in every moment as we stop resisting the flow of life. It is the spontaneous vibrancy of being present. It is the acceptance and embracing of the beauty, innocence, and simple love that are here in every situation. It is the abundance out of which we are born and is our birthright to know. Nectar is never absent, but it can appear hidden when we buy into the beliefs of our own unworthiness that we have amassed through years of stories from society, media, friends, parents, and our own minds. Fire and Nectar remind us that the more we cultivate this flame of truth in every aspect of our lives, the more we will experience this abundance and joyous nectar - our very nature.
So, everything here is geared toward opening to this process of grace that is available to absolutely everyone, regardless of your circumstances (yes, really!). It is an invitation to allow transformation by exploring your awareness (or truer still, you as awareness) and honing your intention to live a freer and more fulfilled life without holding onto expectation, fear, or what society has told you is possible. Everyone's journey to truth is different, but I hope that these meditation tools are enjoyable and beneficial on your path.
Remember: Truth is not in the long-gone past or made-up future, but right here, right now, ready for you to be.