I chose this slogan as both a mission statement and direct pointer. It's the secret sauce to meditation as I like to practice and coach: that awareness is already here and you just need to let it bloom. This encompasses the entire "path" of awakening and fulfillment. Words such as surrender, die while alive, quiet the mind, let go of the reins, etc. are used by many spiritual teachers as ways of pointing to the act of seeing truth or awakening, and they are certainly helpful at times. But I wanted to try to shine light on the opposite side of that deceptively willful coin, namely: allowing. Allow awareness to bloom through you and as you.

The distinction here is just changing the apparent subject (who is doing) - from "you" surrendering or letting go of the reins, to simply allowing awareness to reveal itself. It is actually a passive process. You aren't actively surrendering to source or truth, it's already there and simply revealing itself in your awareness (sometimes in ways that are deeply surprising, exciting, or incredibly uncomfortable). This may seem counterintuitive to anyone who has been a part of spiritual communities or lineages that share practices, teachings, ceremonies, mantras, vows, etc. There are nearly infinite active things that try to get you to "wake up" - but the fact is (spoiler alert, I like to give these in case you are ready for the juice) you were never in control. Not of your life (aka the world as you experience it), not of your awakening path, not of your thoughts, not of your body, not of your feelings, not of your attention. You may have this realization many times along the way before it really clicks deeply.
But that's the truth - it's a passive process. Part of that passive process is the unfolding of the truth that the many stories, beliefs, and concepts you have about yourself, the world, other people, or reality in general, are never fundamentally true. This deepening looks and feels like allowing awareness to see everything it needs to see. This allowing is gentle by nature, and available to the mind, heart, and body. You're allowing the sun to shine onto the leaves, the rain to seep into the soil, and the awareness to bloom into self-recognition.

For a little glimpse into this understanding, contemplate for a moment some basic questions:
Who chose when you were born, and to whom you were born?
Who chose your absolute favorite comfort foods?
Who chose to have intrusive thoughts about that upcoming deadline or exam?
Who chose to make you interested in spirituality, meditation, or starting your journey into self-discovery?
Hopefully the answer is clear (or at least clear as mud). You as this human body and mind did not. Growing up, learning, life's twists and turns - they all happened without you willfully doing anything. Even the appearance of choice, when looked at more closely, fades into all of the circumstances and conditions that interacted with all of your learned behavior and unique makeup. Awakening and fulfillment are no different - even if you're learning from trusted teachers and lineages, and they have great effects on your perspective and life, you still didn't choose to hear of them, meet them, find their videos, or believe anything they said.
So, armed with that understanding, now you get to experience this life with a shifted awareness and understanding, one that continually shows you over and over that you are not in charge, but rather, along for the beautiful and surprising ride. Because you are the ride, the passenger, and that which contains all rides and passengers. The only difference is that you don't have to carry the incredible weight of being in charge of all of reality (or a victim of it)! Phew.

The next question might be: so if this is all passive, why are you sharing more practices? Great point! Letting awareness bloom is a gentle anchor or focal point that can actually be brought into any part of your life, and I personally found that bringing this allowance into all of my practices greatly enhanced them, instead of trying to control any particular experience (though I tried that too!). Your practices become almost like sacred safe spaces as you allow awareness to reveal the moment to you. And as you bring this into your life more broadly, life becomes its own sacred safe space. So, that is really the thought behind the (hopefully) cute slogan. And especially in our next course, Untangling the Knots, this allowing will really be emphasized in our meditations and self-study.
So, Let Awareness Bloom :)