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Coming Soon: Untangling the Knots




10 Weeks

About the Course

Welcome to Fire and Nectar: Untangling the Knots

This course was conceived of both as an introductory survey course in meditation, as well as a way for seasoned meditators to shake things up - it’s not your typical “follow your breath” or “be mindful” meditation class. It is designed for true change through directed intention. You will almost certainly learn and experience something new. 

In this course, there will be one primary intention underlying a variety of meditation techniques; namely, learning to see what’s true (and true is always the most easeful, regardless of what your thoughts tell you). Each week we will explore a different modality and way of doing directed-inquiry into what creates a sense of resistance, suffering, or numbness to life. We call all of these patterns simply “knots.” They are tangles of thoughts, emotions, habits, and physical ailments that are the direct result of conditionings that no longer serve their original function of obtaining a basic need (feeling safe and loved, for instance).

These “knots” of resistance are what prevent you from seeing what’s true about yourself and your life. In other words, to start seeing what’s true, we will begin learning to untangle the knots by asking ourselves: in what ways am I resisting what’s here in my life? Where am I avoiding looking? Where are my patterns of reactivity really coming from? Where do I feel separate and alone from the people and environment around me? What’s really true underneath all of these resistance patterns? 

If you untangle a knot, you will have a single line of direction to what’s true. Beginning this process in a safe space is the goal of course. 

My style of guiding meditation is grounded in gentleness, light humor, and a compassion arising from my own experience in this search for truth and understanding. Though this is truly my passion project in life, my only real “ask” is that you show up and be honest with yourself at each step of the way. You’ll likely find that the container these practices provide during this course is nourishing, uplifting, and a catalyst for further exploration and transformation. 

Welcome! I really hope you enjoy all that is being offered here.


Your Instructor

Anthony Little

Anthony Little

Your friendly guide to your new meditation journey.

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