About the Course
Welcome to Fire and Nectar: Begin Here
This course was conceived of as both an introduction course to meditation, as well as a way for seasoned meditators to shake things up - it’s not your typical “follow your breath” or “be mindful” meditation class. It is designed for true change. You will almost certainly learn and experience something new.
The seven primary meditations (and one bonus meditation at the request of a participant) were originally recorded with a small group of meditators with varied backgrounds over seven weeks, but with the intention of guiding anyone who might be interested at a later date. As such, the intuition guiding the meditations was spontaneous in its execution but followed a step-wise approach from week to week, with the goal of introducing participants to a range of meditation types.
I offer this course for free as I did with the initial "guinea pigs" / participants. There's a lot of juice in it, and I hope you enjoy it.
Your Instructor
Anthony Little
Your friendly guide to beginning (or beginning again) your meditation journey.